Bedankberichten uit Roemenië

Recent ontvingen we mooie reacties en bedankjes van deelnemers en vrijwilligers van het Balance project. De lerares Engels van het plaatselijke lyceum Minodora (en nieuw bestuurslid van Casa Aadela), was zo aardig om te vertalen. Wij delen deze leuke en mooie reacties graag met u:

“Hello everybody,

My name is Elena and I want to tell you how gratefull I am for this project. Going to the activities made me feel I was free and I could talk to my friends when I was sad or to the teachers to ask for some advice. I was able to learn a lot of new things and I am very happy I could be a part of this nice activity. And I am so sad that due to this covid 19 situation it can not be held anymore. We really thank you for this and I hope we keep in touch! Have a nice day. – Elena, grade 7″

“The beneficiaries of this project had a good impression. They loved the activities and the food which was tasty and plenty enough for them. They learnt that God is here, present for us and we must never loose faith”  – Simona, grade 3 “

“As a volunteer of this project, I may say I am very happy I was able to offer a little bit of my time for the benefiaciaries of the BALANce for children project. I am more than sure that the benefits were more significant for them then we can estimate from our disscussions. I was impressed that some of them learnt how to hope and pray. I am convinced that their thankfulness can not be expressed throughout words they can say, but we have seen their eyes expression when they were playing, drawing, painting, or story telling… We are all thankfull for your contribution in these children personal development and we wish you all the best” (Claudia and Minodora – volunteers)